We Are the Wooden Hobbyist

To start, Sean is the bald fella with the beard and Andrew is the shorter fella with the glasses. We’ve known each other for over 20 years and have had many lucrative business ideas that didn’t pan out. We lived our lives separately for a few years deciding we would just do what either of us wanted to do. Sean went the route of buying run down inexpensive motor vehicles and fixing them up while Andrew delved into woodworking. Andrew created a YouTube channel focused on the builds that he was doing for his home and his family. One day Andrew expressed to Sean the need for help in building a guitar. Being the person that he is, Sean agreed to help. The rest is history in the making. Sean fell in love with woodworking in that initial guitar build and we decided eventually to do something that we both love…together…build guitars. That’s where we’re at now. We build guitars for the “love of the game.’ Building beautiful guitars because it’s what we want to do. If we sell one, great. We’d rather give them away though because there’s another guitar build around the corner whether someone buys/commissions one or not. If the building of guitars is something that you’re interested in, be sure to follow along with us. It’s a journey for us as much as it is for you. There is always something to be learned. Sometimes you can learn from someone else’s mistakes…sometimes you have to learn from your own.

You can make them, too.

We want you to be able to make guitars as easily as possible. We understand it’s a daunting task, but want you to be able to make it happen. There will be courses available in the near future for you to be able to use our templates to make whatever kind of guitar you want. To sign up for said courses, click the button below and you will be notified of when those courses go live! There will be special packages and deals for the first to purchase the courses, so be on the lookout! We would like guitar building to be accessible to anybody who has the desire to do so. If that’s you, make sure to sign up to get notified!